What Does Sniffing Crack Do
Can you sniff crack. SAVE CANCEL. already exists. Would you like to is undoubtedly No. Sniffing Vyvance is completely ineffective and a total waste of the.
What happens after the first time sniffing crack?
- How does snorting crack affect the body. Cocaine is a strong central nervous system CNS stimulant that interferes with the reabsorption process of dopamine.
- Cocaine and crack are dangerous drugs that produce a fast, intense high. Find out more in this article for kids. What You Need to Know About Drugs: Cocaine and Crack.
- Is sniffing crack like sniffing cocaine. Why would you even be sniffing it.. I guess people do it because it smells so good and do get sort of a high from it.
- Dec 20, 2014 Video embedded What Does Cocaine High Feel Like. Warning: Cocaine High Feelings Aren t All Good. Advertisement.
snorting crack / freebase cocaine
I realize most of you will just say, use powder instead, but suppose I had a supply of freebase but wanted to snort it instead of smoking it. If I managed to cut it up in a fine enough powder, would it absorb through my nasal membranes. Now I don t know a whole lot about the chemistry of cocaine/freebase, but it is my understanding that when making crack, the Cocaine HCL is first desolved in water and the baking soda reacts with the HCL leaving the crack/freebase as a percipitate. This would seem to indicate that freebase will not disolve in water; if this is true, freebase would not absorb through the very moist nasal membranes and into the liquid bloodstream. However, having tried this before snorting finely chopped up base I did seem to get an effect
You can t do that, but you can convert back to HCL and do it.
My dood gave me some rock he cooked up and I converted it back. If you do a google search or maybe on b-light you can find the instructions on how to do it.
Some friends of mine scored some powdered crack and they
railed it. They had never done crack before. They said that they
got really shaky and nervous and it was pretty scary. This isn t
what I ve heard crack is supposed to be like. Does railing it
have a different effect. Also, would it work alright to just smoke
the crack powder on top of some weed in a pipe.
Last edited by Benga; 11-09-2007 at .
51 y/o Male from USA - Rhode Island
Doh. Crack is supposed to be smoked, not railed. If it was really crack, they did a rather dumb thing. I m surprised it had any effect, as it doesn t dissolve easily on the mucus membranes. May not have been crack at all.
Does railing it have a different effect.
Ummm yeah, sumpin like snorting cigarette tobacco.
Also, would it work alright to just smoke
Uhh, let s just say it would work better than railing it.
Gee willikers, no offense but your friends need some Ginkgo Biloba or something to get the blood flowing to their brains.Edited by: Nicaine
Oh. The kid they got it from didn t really know anything about
crack. He just stole some crack rocks from his uncle or
something and crushed them up and sold them. At least that s
what he says. From what they re saying, though, it sounds like it
had a pretty strong effect on them.
Tell em to either smoke it or leave it alone. Like I said, railing it is like emptying a cigarette and snorting the tobacco. It may have had a strong effect, but it s a weird misuse of the stuff. It could potentially harm or kill a person if railed it could get stuck in the bronchial tubes of the lungs all sorts of nasty crap like that.Edited by: Nicaine
The whole point of smoking coke is to get a high dose of the chemical into your body very quickly. It has to be converted to crack first as normal cocaine hydrochloride doesn t vaporize well.
Snorting crack is a waste as someone s gone to the effort of converting the hydrochloride into a form that can be smoked, and then gone back to ingesting it by a relatively slow absorption method snorting.
So i had to get some coke through a middle man, and he gave me a 2 gram sack of what is most probably ground up crack. I dont want to smoke it, but what will the effects of snorting it be like.
Because it is freebase, it is not water soluble. Due to this fact it will not be absorbed by the mucus membranes
Unless you want to try converting it back to a salt your best bet is to just smoke it like a man.
I m not sure that freebases are not water soluble however. I think they are just much less soluble than the salts. Maybe if you snorted a very small amount it would eventualy absorb.
You could grind it up very fine and put it in a Coca-cola and experience the drink the way it was first made.
29 y/o Male from United States
using Snorting crushed up crack
SWIM could of sworn he saw a thread on here about somebody trying to snort crack when it was all broken up Anyways, SWIM received some coke the other day that was all powder, when usually from his connect it s all big soft rocks. SWIM and his buddy checked it out, and it looked kinda ok, but being so much powder it seemed kinda clumpy. So SWIM and his buddy did a nice line, burned more than usual and had a very odd taste when it dripped. Of course SWIM went home and smoked his, which worked great and smoked just fine. Oh yeah, SWIM said the coke/crack had a pink tint to it in the light, and SWIM knows nobody can tell him what exactly it was but does anybody have any ideas Hopefully this info can give SWIM some insight on this. Thanks
AFAIK, crack cannot be insufflated. At least, not to any psychoactive effect. It is not soluble in water and so won t absorb in your nasal passages.
swim knows people who have gotten high off snorting crack it mustve been the drip just absorbing through the stomach. and maybe it wasn t all in base form or cut with something else.
Yeah, SWIMs buddies said it gave them a cracked out feeling, but SWIM still thinks it could have been cut some some other drug and they just had it in their mind it was crack. But either way Any other suggestions. Thanks.
well the pink color can be atributed to a cutting agent, almost certainly a B comlpex vitamin, very common cut since it is not dangerious but does add a weird tint. although swim is far from an expert of on coke he has heard of ppl snorting crack, although not nearly as effective, swim s friend said it can be done.again not an expert
swim would suggest checking this thread out first : conversion of crack to cocaine :
https://drugs-forum.com/forum/showthread.php.t 29470
indeed, as darawk pointed out, when mixed with a base such as baking soda crack isn t really water soluble enough to be absorbed through the mucous membrane. the physical consistancy of this cocaine was probably due to the cutting agents used and rerocking techniques or whatever. Or it was indeed crack.
another thing, when syour buddies mention a cracked out feeling, crack effects are basically be just a very intense cocaine high, since what freebase cocaine does is multiply the speed and level of absorbtion of cocaine into the bloodstream by using the lungs, instead of the nose mucous membranes. Crack more cocaine into the blood, faster. hence the intensity, and very hard to mimick with insufflated powder cocaine. The only thing which is slightly similar in terms of absorbtion into the blood stream is actually injection.
Last edited by Benga; 02-07-2007 at .
That s what SWIM was trying to tell his buddies, it s basically all the same drug, just more intense. So when his buddies said that he just thought whatever, they are just bitching. SWIM would be pissed off too if he got something not expected, but that wasn t here nor there. Thanks for all the replies
55 y/o Male from United States
Re: snorting crack / freebase cocaine
If acetone is available, simply put the coke in a shot glass, add equal ammount of acetone and mix, whatever stays undissolved should be filtered and discarded
Then you make a 1:1 ethanol-hcl acid solution.. say 5 ml each.
and you add this solution to the acetone dropwise just until no more salts precipitate. Filter and dry..
Or one could simply pour some drops of lemon juice pulp filtered, just enough to wet all the crack and then some ethanol over that. Dry under warm ventilation to evaporate it faster
Obviously go with the first option,, it gets rid of A LOT of cuts indeed
PetSounds added 3 Minutes and 22 Seconds later
I meant freebase coke, right, dissolve it in warm and anhydrous acetone, cuts stay undissolved. And after turning that cleaner freebase into HCL, lots of cuts will dissolve in the acetone as well, while Coke HCL will not
Last edited by PetSounds; 11-06-2012 at .
Reason: Automerged Doublepost.
After crack: your eyes widen, your pupils dilate, your lightheaded, you feel euphoric, your heart races, you feel more aware/alert, you dont feel hunger or a need for sleep, and sometimes you become paranoid more often after not sleeping for days. Note: you dont sniff crack. You smoke it. It s the only way. Cocaine is sniffed or injected.
Cocaine is similar but not as strong. Crack is about 20 times stronger but the effect lasts shorter.
After Heroine: The effects are completely opposite of crack/cocaine. You relax, your heart slows down, your breathing slows down, you feel spasms/tingling up and down your spine monkey on your back is the saying, you feel drowsy, euphoric, theres a taste in your mouth within seconds to minutes after injection that gives you a warm sensation, you feel warm all over but not sweaty/hot, your skin feels tingly and you start to rub yourself which eventually turns into a itchy feeling, you start to nod and drift in and out of sleep, and you vomit within an hour or two from injection/ingestion/inhalation but it isnt a sick vomit usually several times until you become used to the heroine-few weeks, months but a relaxing, soothing vomit dont know why.
Id say smoking both at the same time is the BEST experience in the WORLD.